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Edwina ~ continued
..very much especially at this time of year, Shower her with angel kisses so she knows you are near.
Edwina ~ Troy's mum.
I'm sending lots of love to you sweet Ryan and to your precious Mom stay close to her sweetie she loves and misses you so.
Joan Dylan's Mom
Let her feel your presence.Visit her dreams and send my love.it will be a hard time for us moms.You are both always in my thoughts
Joan "Dylan's Mom"
Goodmorning Ryan. Wishing you a beautiful day. With Christmas so near, stay close to you mom Shower her with hugs and kisses. ...
Mary Josh's mom
Let her feel you with her baby-Shower her with lots of love-Mywish for mom that you can visit her in her dreams-Luv to you&mom
Mary Josh's mom
Goodmorning Ryan-Christmas is only a few days away-A hard time for your mom-She needs to feel you near more than ever-
Angel Moms & Grandmas cont.
The way you all do.It means so much to me that you all care.You all are truely angels here on earth. Thank you!!
To the Angel Moms & Grandmas
Thank you for lighting candles for Ryan when I couldn't leave any for your loved ones.You all are family,no one understands
Mom cont.
Being with you.Hope you & the other angels have a good night in heaven.I love you,son
Mom con
To hug & hold you,to kiss your cheek,to hear that infectious laugh.All that keeps me going is that I'm one day closer to
Mom cont.
Me always in my heart.I dread Christmas without you,I don't know how I will get through it.It seems sl long since I've got
Mom cont.
A bit of pain since my surgery on my elbow.I am typing with one hand, hunt & peck.I love & miss you so much,you are with
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