For a while in our lives, a eternally in our hearts...
07/31/2021 dragan's dad, Anniversary
Remembering candle is lit in honor of you…
07/24/2021 dragan's dad
Lighted candles,a letter to heaven has been written in your honor,as a sign that you still exist.
Unseen,unheard,but always near
07/17/2021 dragan's dad
May and this candle light illuminate the path between our hearts and Heaven…
07/10/2021 dragan's dad
Thinking abt all our Angels and today.Hope u are all flying high&watching over ur families.Stay close to ur loved ones
07/03/2021 dragan's dad
In memory of our loved ones who are angels in Heaven...
06/26/2021 dragan's dad
A candle of remembrance and desire watch over those who love you!
We may not visit every day
but thoughts of you aren't far away
the tears still flow
with thoughts of you
even through the years of yesterday
the tears still flow
06/19/2021 dragan's dad
Stopping by to say: Those who touch our lives, Stay in our hearts forever.
06/13/2021 dragan's dad
Years have come and gone,but you are never forgotten and never will be.
06/05/2021 dragan's dad
Remembering candle is lit in honor of you…
05/29/2021 dragan's dad
Lighting this candle as a reminder from our heart on your journey with us on this Earth.GB